The Triplet Story

Matt was my 5th and 6th grade teacher, and I’m being honest when I say this, he was (by far) my favorite middle school teacher. He poured life and Jesus into us students like none other. We all loved him. I remember very specifically the day that he told us about Anita. He was so nervous and excited. And we teased him about her to no end.
When Anita asked me to take their family photos, I was incredibly honored and excited. I couldn’t wait to actually see the triplets, and her two older girls in person. I knew that Matt and Anita would be incredible parents, but I wasn’t prepared for how much grace and love and patience they had with all their beautiful daughters. Truly it is a gift from the Lord.
When I asked Anita to share her story with us, I didn’t expect her to say yes right away, or for her to have it to me so soon, but she did both, which made me admire her even more. When I read their story for the first time, I was moved to tears. I hope you can enjoy it as much as I did.
The year our lives were forever changed!
We as a family of four were thrilled when we found out we were expecting baby #3 in March of 2017. I felt so good the first couple months of my pregnancy, although I felt more tired and had to eat all the time. As the weeks went by I started feeling so much bigger than I did with my previous pregnancies. I mentioned something to my husband that maybe we're having twins. He shrugged it off and told me to not get too excited because we most likely aren't having twins. I decided I'm not going to be one of those pregnant ladies that is always fussing about feeling SO big while pregnant. I kept reminding myself that this is my third pregnancy so I will feel bigger and maybe this time it would be a boy.
I was almost 19 weeks when I went for my second prenatal visit. As the midwife was measuring me she looked very startled. I asked her if everything is ok? She then replied that I'm measuring almost 5 weeks too big. We need to schedule an ultrasound ASAP! She mentioned that it could be twins or possibly a fibroid. We scheduled the ultrasound for the next day so that Matt could go with me.
October 19, 2016 is a day we will never forget! We were very anxious and nervous when we walked into that ultrasound room. It wasn't long into the ultrasound when she said, "Oh yea, there's more than one in there!" We were still processing twins, when a few minutes later she states "And I think there's a third one in there!" We were in complete SHOCK! I burst into tears while Matt said "Well, make sure there's no more in there!" We were very excited and overwhelmed at the thought of triplets! After a 3 hour ultrasound we were finally able to go home and tell our family and friends. Nobody believed us when we told them until we showed them the ultrasound pictures of baby A, baby B, and baby C.
The Dr. was just amazed how the babies were growing. They were above average for even a singleton. He was a very experienced dr. who worked with lots and lots of multiples. He told us that in his 25 years of practise he has never seen such a healthy set of triplets! He said it must be the prayers and support of our family and friends. We were so grateful to God for our 3 little miracles.
I was feeling great and doing all the normal things until I hit 29 weeks. I was admitted to the hospital to be monitored because I was having contractions and my cervix was thinning out. The babies were all weighing around 3 pounds each so we were praying that they would not be born this early. Thankfully after lots of prayers and a 2 nite hospital stay they sent me home. I was put on modified bedrest. Our goal was to reach 32 weeks. I was getting more and more uncomfortable as the days slowly crept along. I was having lots of contractions. We were very happy when I hit 32 weeks. The dr. said the next goal was to make it to 34 weeks. He informed us that every day in the womb is one week less in the NICU. At 34 weeks and 2 days I went into labor on my own, the day before my scheduled c-section.
We went to the hospital around 2:00 in the afternoon because I had a lot of pain in my abdomen, not realizing then that I was in active labor. Two hours later our 3 little miracles entered the world!
Alyssa Rose was born first. She weighed 5lbs. A minute later Anna Brooke was born, and she weighed 5lbs. 8 oz. A minute after that, Ava Grace was born and her birth weight was 4lbs 12 oz. I was able to kiss each of them right after they born and before they took them to the NICU.
The feelings and emotions I was feeling were indescribable! We were so proud of our 3 little beautiful babies! They had 2 very proud big sisters as well! Kierra and Lindsey were able to meet them that evening. They had to be in the NICU for 9, 10, and 12 days. They all came home on different days. We had a very good NICU experience and were so grateful for our caring drs and nurses. We were so blessed with lots of support and help from our community! It takes a village and we have one incredible village!
The triplets are now 2 1/2 years old. They are at a very fun age and keep our life very exciting and busy!
Thanks so much Anita for sharing your incredible story with us! You and Matt are such amazing parents. Also, Lindsey and Kierra may be the best and most gorgeous big sisters ever!
Thanks again, Matt and Anita, for taking the time out of your crazy life to share your story with us! You are so inspiring, and have such a beautiful family!
Thanks for trusting me to capture these precious moments in your lives!