Kirsten and Aaron (Engagement)

When Kirsten told me her idea of going from coffee shop to coffee shop in Lancaster, I was so so excited. What’s not to love about coffee, love, photos, and more coffee?
Kirsten is a dear and old friend of mine, so this shoot was extra fun!
Oh and by the way, I’m spilling the tea in this blog post by sharing with you a deep dark photography secret\story of mine, trust me you don’t want to miss it, so read on.
When taking photos in Lancaster city, you simply cannot miss the prince street parking garage.
There’s gorgeous tones, lots of room, a lovely view, it’s just perfect for sunset photos. Every Lancaster photographer knows that.
But every time I get asked to shoot there, I get nervous. Very nervous. So nervous I call my friend whose a cop in Lancaster and tell him what I’m doing. So he can protect me.
Let me tell you why.
I’m about to share with you one of my deepest, darkest stories of the beginning of my photography career.
I never thought I would be here, ready to share with the PUBLIC this horrific experience, which scarred me for life. (ok, I might be being a smidgen dramatic)
I was so humiliated, so embarrassed, so upset….ok never mind I’ll spare you from hearing all my emotional trauma, and just give you the facts.
It was probably about five years ago. I was just a baby with a camera. Just playing around and having fun with the very beginnings of my photography career. (might I add HUMBLE beginnings)
I had a shoot on the top of Prince Street Parking Garage. Actually, we explored a lot of Lancaster city for this shoot, but I just remember the Parking Garage.
I was taking photos, and having so much fun. I sat on the wall to get a shot, I laid down on the ground to get a shot. I was on my game, and willing to do ANYTHING. ANYTHING for the perfect shot.
[Quick side note: It cracks me up as I write this because I’m still like this, I get in a mode, and there’s no stopping me. I’m a bit more classy about it now though. I think. I hope. And I promise I won’t be doing crazy things during a ceremony. Because that’s just rude.]
MOVING ON! (Man, that was a bunny trail!) oops.
I was laying down, getting the best shot of my LIFE, and I heard someone behind me. “Excuse me, what are you doing?!”
I quickly replied, “Just a second.” It never occurred to my who might be talking, and why. I was just trying to get a great shot, and NOTHING was going to stop me. Little did I know it was a cop.
I don’t remember, what exactly happened after that. But in his mind, I was just a sassy teenager who needed a serious lesson. About authority. And respect. (which was probably true lol)
He chewed us out for a long, long time, us girls looking at him with big eyes and shaking.
I was shaking so hard and trying not to cry, and in an effort to be strong, I asked, “If I parked my vehicle in here, would we still be trespassing?”
That question confirmed everything to him. I was a sassy, bratty, annoying teen who needed a little spanking. After some more lecturing, a few more cops showed up as back up.
We got fined $250 each. Yes, EACH.
So now you see why I am a bit frightened to go on the parking garage for photos?
Why am I bringing this up in this blog post? Because a cop pulled up AGAIN in this photoshoot. Keep reading to see what happened.
Were jumping around a bit here, but…
How ADORABLE are Kirsten and Aaron?!
At New Holland Coffee Kirsten and Aaron bought Nitro Cold Brew for me to try.
And you guys, my life will never be the same. It is just SO GOOD!! (Maybe I’ll go get one today)
After a long wonderful photoshoot, we headed to the parking garage. I of course, called my friend whose a cop just to give him a heads up that I’m going to be there. My plan would be to call him, so he can come bail me out if I ever were to be in another situation like that.
And just to be fair, I warn my clients of the risk of the parking garage.
Also, can we just take a moment, because HOW PRETTY IS THIS WOMAN?!
About 15 minutes to our little shoot on the parking garage, a cop car pulls up.
I was trying to keep it cool, but you guys I was so scared!
“Are we allowed to be up here?” I said.
“Oh well it depends what you’re doing!”
“Oh I’m just shooting them.” (I don’t know why I try to make jokes in the middle of such serious times, not funny, Ash, that’s not funny)
He laughed, congratulated them, and proceeded to say he’ll put them in hand cuffs. And that’s what he did.
We got to chatting, because it was the week that the rioting had gotten really bad, and the cops were working their butts off just to keep peace in the city.
He said he had worked an 80 hour week, so far. Can you imagine?! Can you imagine what that would be like for his family, for his kids?! Crazy! Be kind to our cops you guys. They pour out their lives for us!
We got to pray for him, and his buddy, and it was such a special moment. God is moving in our nation. In our city. We are in a battle, but do not despair, He has overcome the world.
What a night.
Thankful for this couple.
Thankful for Lancaster.
Thankful for the ones who work so hard to protect it.
Also, Kirsten and Aaron’s wedding is in just a few weeks, and I CANNOT WAIT!!!! It is going to be GRAND!
Kirsten and Aaron, you guys are the BEST! Am I allowed to have favorites? I just know your wedding will be powerful, in ways that you can’t even imagine! And I just CANNOT wait to capture it all!
Much love!
Oh, and one more thing. After the shoot, I called my cop friend to tell him that they put my clients in handcuffs. He knew right away that it was some sort of joke, but his wife, FREAKED OUT! And it was hilarious.
Ok that’s all for now!